Mycotoxins, an Expanded Perspective & Custom Compounding for the Ultimate in Personalized Care was held on September 18-20, 2020
A live streaming conference supported by SPOTME
Watch this 7 minute video
The 2020 Environmental Toxins and Genomics Annual Conference - Mycotoxins, an Expanded Perspective, and Custom Compounding for the Ultimate in Personalized Care, explores several areas of the latest research on how the onslaught of mycotoxins are impacting all of us, but those with genetic weakness the hardest.
The Functional Medicine community is now realizing that mycotoxins is a more serious problem than we realized in the past, and that you need to have a much better approach to this very serious problem. Binders and your typical approaches may not be enough.
One of the exciting features of this conference was the research done by Emily Givler, DSC and Beth O’Hara FND, along with Neil Nathan, MD, on the specific Phase II pathways that may need to be supported the most with each specific mycotoxin.
In the conference you will learn about (click on the highlighted speaker name to view an interview between our speakers and Bob Miller):
• Mycotoxins 101 from William Shaw, PhD
• Medical conditions related to Mycotoxins from Andrew Campbell, MD
• Detox strategies for Mycotoxins from Neil Nathan, MD & Jill Carnahan, MD
• Overview of Mycotoxin testing by Sandeep Gupta, MD
• Home remediation strategies by Sandeep Gupta, MD
• Oxalates and Mycotoxins by Emily Givler, Dsc
• Mycotoxins and MCAS by Beth O’Hara, FND
• Mycotoxins and the Cytokine Storm by Bob Miller, CTN
• Mycotoxins and Nitric Oxide by Mackay Rippey, LAc
• Deuterium and detox weakness by Stephanie Seneff, PhD
• Increased Inflammation and MCAS from mutations in IL-13 / IL-4 by Mackay Rippey, LAc
• Mycotoxins and Glucuronidation by Beth O’Hara, FND
• Mycotoxins and Glutathione Conjugation by Emily Givler, DSC
• Mycotoxins and Adrenal Fatigue by Joel Rosen, DC
• Essential Oils and Mycotoxins, Carley Sink and Lari Young, MD
This conference shows you how you can use the Your Genomic Resource genetic test and Functional Genomic Analysis software to identify detox pathway weakness, and how to support it for each individual patient. One size does not fit all.
And finally, we teach you how you can custom compound a supplement that is made just for your patient.
Bob Miller, CTN
NutriGenetic Research Institute